Tooth Pain? Here’s What You Can Do To ease the Struggle

If you have sensitive teeth like me you know how painful it is. Here are two products that help with the pain. #toothpain
Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief Toothpaste: (amazon)
Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief Mouthwash Pro: (amazon)
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Gear I use for videos:
Lightning by kareemovic from the Noun Project
Ice cubes by Jolan Soens from the Noun Project
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“I wish I would‘ve known that earlier!”? My channel tackles those “should’ve knowns” with topics ranging from buying a new TV, workplace fashion, leasing a car, and much more. This is an open forum where you can ask questions and hopefully learn from both my personal experiences and the experiences I’ve shared with the people in my circle. Be sure to check out my new videos, posted twice monthly – at the beginning and middle of each month!
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