How to Install the Perfect Garage Accessory

UPDATE: If you are having trouble with the app not opening and closing sometimes. Try move the myq unit further away from your garage door opener unit.
This video shows how to install a MyQ smart garage hub and how to set up your garage door opener using the myQ App. In this MyQ Smart Garage Hub video, we go over the setup and how to avoid any installation issues. The MyQ Smart Garage Hub by Chamberlain allows you to control your garage door from your smartphone. Its made by Chamberlain, but works with most garage door openers ( With this device, you can remotely monitor the status of your garage door within the phone app. You can even setup alerts based on the door status and time of day. #chamberlain #myq
MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener Chamberlain MYQ-G0301 (amazon)
00:00 – Intro
00:50 – What comes in the MyQ box
01:06 – Helpful tip
01:21 – MyQ App and hub setup (First Method)
04:57 – Connecting the MyQ hub to your home Wifi (Second Method if the first didn’t work)
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