Fire TV: How to Control the Bluetooth Volume (Sorta)

it appears that some models of Five TV and Sticks when updated to the most recent firmware will allow Bluetooth volume control. Check out the links below. Check out this article for those that have older Fire devices
Volume control for Bluetooth devices UPDATE –
There is no perfect way to control the Bluetooth audio on an Fire TV, Fire Stick and/or Cube. Until there is a firmware update. So until then we have to use workarounds and I’ll show you a few in this video.
FYI I forgot to mention in the video if you tap the earpiece buttons then it will skip forward or backward in the movie or music. If you want to control the volume you need to hold down the buttons.
Items in video:
• Best earbuds – (amazon)
• Other options
o (amazon)
o (amazon)
• HDMI Audio Converter Adapter – (amazon)
• Bluetooth Transmitter Receiver for TV
– (amazon)
• Denon 5.2-Channel A/V Receiver – (B&H)
•Bluetooth soundbar – (amazon)
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Gear I use for videos:
00:00 Intro
00:19 Can you control the fire tv Bluetooth volume?
01:11 Do volume control apps work on the fire tv?
01:55 Use these earbuds to control the fire tv Bluetooth volume
03:05 How to increase the Bluetooth volume on your fire tv
03:32 How to use your earbuds to control the fire tv volume
Channel description:
“I wish I would’ve known that earlier!”? My channel tackles those “should’ve knowns” with topics ranging from buying a new TV, workplace fashion, leasing a car, and much more. This is an open forum where you can ask questions and hopefully learn from both my personal experiences and the experiences I’ve shared with the people in my circle. Be sure to check out my new videos, posted twice monthly – at the beginning and middle of each month!
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